How boundaries increase your net worth

A harsh truth: you can't do the work them.

My best friend got rich ignoring phone calls.

See, he’s a very sought-after attorney.

One of his biggest contracts came in because he wouldn’t return a prospect’s call.

So the client figured, “if he’s THAT busy he must be amazing!”

…and put him on an insanely lucrative retainer.

Here’s the thing…

Whether you like it or not (and whether you know it or not)

You’re training your audience to either to respect you or dismiss you.

And when your audience respects you…

Everything from sales to fulfillment gets easier.

So today you’re going to learn about three (of the many ways) you’re training your audience.

Here, I show you how:

  1. Poor pricing hurts more than just your wallet
  2. Being always available hurts your brand
  3. Framing is everything

Let’s dive in…

1) Pricing

When I suggested a price raise during my last client call, I could see the reaction in his eyes.

And this happens all the time.

Right now I am helping two different clients raise their prices.

And even through the computer screen I see how the thought is almost too much to bear.

But if you set your prices too low, or build your business on discounts…

You’re training your audience to respond to the wrong signals.

With discount prices, you teach your audience that either you’re a commodity.

Or maybe they get suspicious that you’re going bait and switch on the backend.

Or maybe your price says you’re not an authority.

All of these are bad.

You want everything you do to strengthen the confidence people have in you.

Pricing IS a big factor in positioning.

And if you are giving discount after discount, what does that say about you?

So… in very real terms, your price informs how people treat you.

Train them well.

2) Availability

What happens if you become a crutch for your audience?

When I was a full-time software developer I’d often get questions from team members about how to solve a coding problem.

Rather than immediately answer the question, I’d wait just a bit to respond.

Sometimes the problem wasn’t really a problem and it magically went away.

And sometimes they would answer it for themselves.

As a course creator you are a guide, teacher, and often a mentor.

But your highest calling is to help people develop a transformation in themselves.

You can’t do the work for them.

So everyone wins when you train people to think before they come to you.

There’s a fine line here, but when done right, a bit of distance can create independence.

Make your availability align with expectations.

3) Framing

When you mount a picture on the wall, what differentiates it from the room?

The frame.

Frames assert boundaries around a piece, and leads you to pay attention to what’s most important.

When you hold the right frame with people, you’re teaching them how to treat you.

Two conversations I’ve had recently turned out very different.

The first - I walked into it knowing what I wanted, but wasn’t intentional about how I came across.

The second, I knew that I needed this person to see me in the right light.

Without setting this context right, I’m not able to help to my fullest potential.

It’s not arrogance. It’s confidence.

Your tribe needs to know you are the fearless leader.

You need to radiate confidence.

From this confidence you gain respect for your insight, your time, and even your pricing.

Of course that doesn’t mean you have every answer and know every detail.

But you do need to express safety, credibility, and true caring for their success.

That’s a frame worth building.

So remember…You’re training people around how to treat you - whether you know it or not.

And, as always... be intentional.

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How I Help You

If you're tired of the guesswork and costly mistakes of going alone, I'll help you:

Increase your profits by making more lucrative offers
Pinpoint your ideal customer's buying triggers
Bring order to chaotic launches and marketing cycles
Create higher quality course content
Create systems to keep your business running long-term